When the Spirit is unburdened the light gets in
Evidence Informed Intuitive Grief Guide & Healer
When I went in search of grief support, information and guidance many years ago after the sudden death of two family members, I couldn’t find what I needed. Traditional grief services just didn’t feel enough. I was seeking a deeper understanding that combined evidence-based grief practice with intuitive and spiritual insights, but this didn’t seem to exist. This is why I founded Supporting Your Way.

Supporting Your Way is a service that provides a unique blend of traditional and alternative approaches including:
- Intuitive Grief Guidance: I use my intuition alongside evidence-based practice to guide you through your grief.
- Intuitive Healing: I can help you to explore your life purpose, unpack limiting beliefs and make sense of the past.
- Reiki Energy Healing: I can help you connect with your inner wisdom and find deeper emotional and spiritual healing.
In addition to grief support, I can also assist with:
- End-of-life Support: I offer (non-medical) insight, guidance, advocacy, planning and practical assistance for people who are dying or have life limiting diagnoses, and their supporters.
- Funeral/Memorial Planning: I can advise you of your rights, assist in planning a ceremony, and write the eulogy.
- Training & Education: I facilitate information sessions on all aspects of grief, end of life, funerals and spiritual healing.
With over 35 years of experience, I have a passion for being of service to people who have lost their way, are grieving, or are at end of life. Supporting Your Way is welcoming, safe, accessible and inclusive.
There is no fee for an initial discussion. Contact me today and see if Supporting Your Way is the right fit for you.
The Fee Schedule is:
$90 per hour for individuals.
$270 for workplace training and community presentations
(includes preparation, a one hour presentation and Q&A time).
Talk Therapy, Advocacy & Education:
Offering you heart-based, intuitive and evidence-informed grief education and guidance from someone with lived experience.
Helping you to unpack and make sense of trauma, emotions and limiting beliefs – to take back your power and be your true authentic self.
Assisting you to explore life purpose, enduring connections with those who have transitioned, and navigating the new ‘normal’.
Supporting people who are dying or have a life limiting diagnosis with all aspects of end of life planning, emotional healing and transition.
Advocating for your voice to be heard – your wishes, your way.
Assisting you to tie up loose ends, share final messages and create your legacy.
Talk Therapy, Spiritual Insight & Reiki Energy Healing:
Guiding you in life reflection and spiritual self discovery – your soul knows.
Offering strategies for spiritual healing of unresolved past life events that weigh heavily.
Helping you to tap into your inner being and feel connection, light, love and peace.
Reconnecting spirit, mind and body for improved wellbeing and balance.
Guiding you in meaningful ways to communicate with those who have transitioned.
Informative sessions on all aspects of grief, spiritual healing, end of life and funerals.
Training and Presentations for:
Or send me a message!
Our Happy Clients!
Full Member of
Golden Key International Honour Society
Australian Community Workers Association
Australian Doula College
HELD Holistic End of Life & Deathcare
Grief Australia
Dying With Dignity Victoria (VAD Witness)
Blue Knot Foundation
Current Security Clearances:
Working With Children Check
Police Check
NDIS Worker Screening Check